Month: February 2012
What a Wonderful World
What A Wonderful World –
a magnificent BBC-1 video narrated by David Attenborough, only 2 min, but you’ll wish it was twice as long.
Posted by Barbara’s Blog at 2/3/2012 4:38 PM
Seeing in the Dark – a Shamanic Explanation
Seeing in the Dark
The practice of shamanism is at least 30,000 to 40,000 years old. As a cross-cultural, worldwide phenomenon, it is part of the human spiritual heritage. The rise in the numbers of shamanic practitioners in the U.S. concludes that shamanism has much to offer contemporary Westerners.
The word “shaman” comes from the Tungus tribe of Siberia and means “healer” or “one who sees in the dark.” One “sees in the dark” by means of a technique called journeying…which is very easy to learn. Journeying allows one to move into the world of spirit, outside of time and space to the accompaniment of monotonous percussion or rhythms such as drums, sticks or rattles.
Practitioners of shamanism use the journey to enter visionary states of consciousness and to explore hidden realities and other dimensions. Journeying provides the opportunity for direct revelation from the world of spirit.
Shamanism is a methodology, not a religion and it is remarkably safe. The techniques require a kind of relaxed discipline and most people can accomplish in a few hours what usually takes years to achieve in meditation. It is estimated that 95% of persons, if properly taught and willing to practice, have the ability to journey.
Posted by Barbara’s Blog at 2/3/2012 3:13 PM